Did You Know…

Only 4% Of ALL Businesses Survive
More Than 20 Years?

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Why Do SO MANY Businesses Fail?

Working with 200+ businesses over 30 years we found…

90% of businesses neglect to develop processes in 10 key business problem areas…


  1. They can’t grow sales fast enough.
  2. They can’t reduce costs effectively.
  3. They can’t increase profits each year.
  4. They can’t recruit quality people, resulting in capacity issues.
  5. They can’t retain quality people, resulting in cost and quality issues.
  6. Customer satisfaction decreases, resulting in lost sales.
  7. The business is too dependent on a few key people.
  8. They can’t increase cashflow, resulting in increasing debt load.
  9. The business doesn’t change with the times…old strategies.
  10. No management succession plan, resulting in the inability to grow and sell the business.

Are You Experiencing Any Of The Problems Listed Above?

If your business is experiencing any one of these 10 problems, your business will eventually fail.

If you are experiencing two to three of these problems your business is vulnerable to fail in less than a year!

If you commit to developing and documenting a process for these essential business functions, the reward isn’t just survival…

You’ll put your business on the path to unlimited growth and profit!!

The Profit Pro Business Survival Formula…

Productive People + Effective Systems =  Survival

Productive People?

Most business owners believe that the most important things to focus on when running a business are their products or services.

While these are important to the business activity, there must also be strategies and plans in place as well as documented processes.

In order to determine and document the best practices for all functions of the business, the business needs to have experts in all functional areas.

The people that can envision the best methods and systems to achieve optimal results in each function are essential to your business.

In addition to your business function experts, your trained team is equally necessary to serve your customers, so that they are thrilled and loyal to your business.

The biggest advantage any business can have is an educated and trained workforce.

Effective Systems?

A process is an essential function within your business operations. It is a collection of tasks, procedures, and schedules that interact as a whole.

By following your optimal processes for each business function, from sales to service, you can get a predictable result every time.

This predictability is only possible when your optimal processes are carefully and meticulously documented, so that they can be easily replicated.

When you combine a well-trained team with your documented processes, you give your organization the opportunity to maximize productivity.

You also have a mechanism in place to streamline your processes and recognize potential problems, so you can create solutions before a problem occurs.

Business Survival?

How can you position your business to prevent failure and survive long-term?

The way to make more money is by investing in your business. A successful business must continually increase its long-term value creation in order to reduce the risk of failure.

The company that manages to grow successfully is constantly reinvesting time and money into the processes and people that define the company, in order to get the greatest return on their investment.

Your business is your best investment, as it should be. By investing more into making your business a well-oiled and fine-tuned operation, you’ll increase your profit, cash flow, and net worth over the long haul.

This is the path to long-term survival and unlimited profits to essentially transform your business into a thriving enterprise that could significantly multiply your business valuation.

What Are You Going To Do Next?

Be One Of The 4% Of Businesses Who Survive Long Term?
Be One Of the 96% Who Fail?

If You Are Interested In Long Term Business Survival…

Meet The Proprietary Profit Pro Systems For Management, Marketing, Finance and Operations…
Used With 200+ Companies Over 30 Years…

Profit Pro Systems Templates Applied To Your Business Problems….

The Profit Pro process is a unique, time tested system implemented in more than 200 companies that uncovers problems that are holding the business back from the Owners goals.

The Profit Pro process focuses on systems innovation and training programs that resolves 90% of business problems in Marketing, Finance, Operation and Management; the 4 core functions of any business.

The Profit Pro system works with any type of business in any type of industry. Success is typically found either through education technology or performance technology.

This proven system allows Profit Pro to “franchise” your business with management, operations, finance and marketing manuals that will streamline your business.

With each of your key processes documented, Profit Pro will ensure that each person is trained in the process and create a scorecard system to ensure you are getting the expected results of the documented systems.

Most importantly, Profit Pro doesn’t just recommend strategies, we stay with you and help you implement the strategies.

Read About Each Of The 4 Main Systems Below…

The Profit Pro Management System…

Just because you have experienced management in place or great leaders, it doesn’t mean that your management team knows how to prioritize the responsibilities that are the most important to the Business.

If they are more focused on getting the work done than improving the systems in the business, your Manager is costing you more than they are making for you.

Click To Learn About Management Systems

The Profit Pro Sales & Marketing System

Having difficulty making your mark in the business world?

Are customers unable to differentiate your products or services from the competition?

Just can’t seem to reach your target audience?

Don’t know what your target audience is?

Use our expertise to guide you through our Marketing & Sales Workbook, or work on the workbook on your own.

We have the 30 years experience to make an impact on your business and help you bring in more customers!

Click To Learn About Marketing Systems

The Profit Pro Finance System

Reducing the cost of doing business and increasing profits is the number one preoccupation of company leadership and management.

But even a well-thought-out budget, meticulous record-keeping, and cost-cutting measures will not be enough to keep the business in good running order.

The key is to make money work for the company—both as incoming and outgoing funds.

To do that, leadership must root out profit-robbing culprits, such as ineffective or lack of processes, outdated equipment, rework costs, and low productivity.

Click To Learn About Financial Systems

The Profit Pro Operations System

Are your products and services delivered on time, every time, and at the quality you promised?

Are your people skilled and knowledgeable?

Are you utilizing proven and effective operating systems that ensure 110% customer satisfaction?

A systemized operations process that is measured is the key to improving profit and cash flow for your business.

Every problem can be resolved and prevented in the future. Employees are motivated to perform better when they are provided with the tools and proven methods to accomplish every task.

Systemizing your operations is the solution!

Click To Learn About Operations Systems

Still Not Sure? Learn How The Profit Pro System Works, For FREE!

Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy of Unlimited Profit by Gary Holt

What Is Unlimited Profit Book About?

In this intriguing 62 page business strategy guide, Profit Maximization Specialist, Gary Holt, reveals his time-tested Formula for Unlimited Profit. Gary outlines his 10-step process to optimize your company’s growth and profitability.

Gary has helped over 200 companies in multiple industries to increase revenue by as much as 1000%. With a well-tested step-by-step process, Gary has shown businesses what processes to fix and how to fix them, so a company can truly maximize revenue, profits, and most importantly the owner’s options.

If you want to know how to transform YOUR business into a profit-making machine, then this book will show you how. Get ready to unleash your business to accelerate revenue, growth, and profits.

Free Download

Not Sure What Your Business Needs?

Request A Consultation

How Do We Work Together?

Step 1: Book An Introductory Qualification Call

We know from years of experience working with more than 200 companies that we can’t help everyone. This phone call will be booked with CMO Jimmy Hovey.

Expect to discuss your business, the greatest issues facing your business, what you have done so far to remedy and what your goals are.

At the completion of this phone call, you should know if we your company is a good fit for our expertise.

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Step 2: 15 Minute Business Health Survey

To get a health report card for your business, we use The Value Builder System™. The Value Builder System™ is a scientific methodology proven to increase the value of your business. After analyzing over 40,000 businesses, the average Value Builder Score is 59 out of a possible 100.

Even if you aren’t interested in selling, looking at your business from the perspective of a potential buyer is the best viewpoint. This 15-minute investment will diagnose what may be holding you back from creating a company that can thrive without you.

See how an acquirer would evaluate your business, enabling you to focus today on what will be important down the road.

Identify hidden things you may not have thought of that may quietly drag down the value of your business so you can eliminate them before they become a problem.

Once you have completed the survey you will get an email with an overview of where your businesses strengths and weaknesses may be. From here, we will schedule a 1 hour review of your results focused on your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.

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Step 3: 60-Minute Review Business Health Check

This 60-Minute review will be scheduled with CEO Gary Holt and CMO Jimmy Hovey. During the 60 minute review, we will look at the results of your Value Builder score.

Value Builder will provide a overview of where your greatest strength is as a business as well as your greatest weakness is as a company.

The review will provide insight on how to maintain your strengths and discuss strategies to improve the area of greatest weakness of your company.

This process will provide an invaluable overview of where your business stands today. It will provide you with what your business is worth today and will give us the ability to show you the future value of your business by improving the 8 key areas of your business.

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Step 4: Strategic Proposal To Reach Your Goals

Based on our conversation from Step 3, Typically in 1-2 weeks, Profit Pro will provide you with a customized proposal aimed at providing strategic solutions to your greatest weakness as a business or greatest problem facing your business.

Each proposal is customized to your unique situation. Every business is unique and each will have different needs. Our proprietary needs analysis in combination with your Value Builder Score, will give you the clarity to pin point the issues that may be holding your business back.

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Step 5: Which Path …Long-Term Survival or Continue On Your Path?

This is sometimes the most difficult part…making a decision. This decision will impact not only you, but also your employees.

If you are looking to create a legacy business that will survive more than 20 years, following the professional advice of the Profit Pro Advisors is your best course of action.

If you are willing to risk it on your own, we respect your decision. We do keep open communication with companies to which we make a proposal so if you change your mind down the road, we will still be here to help you.

However, keep in mind, most business solutions are not a quick fix. It can take months, if not years to correct problems that impact your business.

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Profit Pro Success Stories

Here are a few examples of extrodinary results that Profit Pro has achieved for previous

companies who chose long term survival and unlimited profits…

Manufacturing, Sales From $800k to $3.5M In 3 Years…

One family-owned computer operating machine manufacturer is also an interesting case study. The two sons came into the business, one as a manufacturing engineer, the other in sales. The plan was that the father would eventually sell the business to the sons, and that would essentially be his retirement fund.

At the time, sales were around $700,000 to $800,000. In about 3 to 4 years, we were able to get their sales up to $3.5 million. They were able to cash the dad out and the business continues to grow. It’s 10 to 15 times bigger than it was when we started to work with them.

Hi-Tech Manufacturing, Owner Pockets $7 Million In Cash…

One of our clients, was a small hi-tech manufacturer, that developed equipment for the military. They committed all of their resources toward servicing this one job for a multi-million-dollar contract. As the Iraq war was coming to an end, their orders started dropping off and the owner realized that sales were now an issue. So, we came in to evaluate his business and determine what he wanted to happen.

We developed marketing, operations, and sales plans. We were able to identify an application that could support the operations for a large auto manufacturer. Then we went to a competing auto manufacturer and they too were on board to use the company’s manufacturing to reinforce their operations.

Within about 5 to 6 years, we took the company from a couple of million dollars to $30 million. The owner then sold the business to one of his employees. The owner walked out the door with about $7 million in cash.

e-Commerce Parts Wholesaler, Sales from $3 Million to $20 Million…

When this company came to Profit Pro, the company was clearly underachieving and nowhere near their potential. At the time we started working with them they were generating $2 to $3M in revenue.

Over the course of 3 years, we helped to make people accountable and the company valuation continued to grow. After 3 years, revenues increased 10-fold to about $20M and the company’s net profit went from $100k to $1M.

This significant growth gave the owner much greater options for what to do next.

Construction, Profits Tripled, Sold Out To Investment Company…

Another client produced a product used in home construction. They flatlined and could not scale and could not improve valuation. We evaluated all of their systems, or lack thereof, and helped them to develop the systems and processes they needed.

During the team evaluations, we realized that there were several employees that would make great team leaders in their departments. So, we encouraged the owner to incentivize and promote these individuals to team leadership. Profits increased so much that he gave these leaders stock in the company. Profits tripled and then quadrupled. He eventually was able to sell the business to a large investment company. Those employees were able to cash out on their stock and don’t have to work anymore.

Take The First Step, Book A Call Today!

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